Are you feeling a calling to serve among the unreached in North Africa; then you will want to consider one of these nine mission agencies church planting among the unreached of North Africa.
Unreached of North Africa – Who are they?
According to the Joshua Project, “An unreached or least-reached people is a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance.”
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According the UN’s definition of North Africa, there are seven countries represented in this region. These countries are Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara.
Creative Access Countries – Each of the seven countries in North Africa are considered to be “creative access countries” which means that you cannot enter them on a traditional missionary visa. Some people call these countries “closed countries,” however we believe that NO country is closed to the Gospel of Jesus. They may be closed to our methods or our nationalities but they can never keep the Good News of Jesus out. For those looking to move to North Africa, you will need to consider using another way to access the country like business as mission, NGO work, education or even retirement.
Diaspora – Another amazing opportunity to serve among the unreached of North Africa is to work among the diaspora. Many North Africans have migrated into southern Europe and other parts of the world. When they are out of their original context, they seem to be opening up to the Gospel.
These nine mission agencies are focusing on the peoples in North Africa that have no indigenous Christian community (or a very small number).
Nine Mission Agencies to Consider
There are many different mission agencies that work among the unreached of North Africa. We have compiled a list of nine well-known agencies that we partner with at The Mission App. This list is not in any particular order but each of these agencies does excellent work. If you check out our Agency Finder Tool, you will find over 20 mission agencies that focus on North Africa
Africa Inland Mission
Africa Inland Mission is most known for working below the Sahara Desert but in the last 20 years, they have expanded their work into North Africa. They offer a number of teams in North Africa doing business as mission.
According to their website, “Millions of Africans have never heard the gospel or met a single Christian. But many of them would welcome that encounter. God is stirring Muslim hearts with the promise of something more, something greater.”
Africa Inland Mission has created an interesting video called “Walking in the Shadows.” They also have a fantastic article called How do you church plant in North Africa.
Find out more about Africa Inland Mission
Crossworld is a community of disciple-makers from all professions bringing God’s love to life in the world’s least-reached marketplaces. Our story begins in 1931 when Crossworld began sending workers to the nations. Today, we have more than 300 disciple-makers in more than 35 countries around the globe.
Crossworld continues to place teams in North Africa and has number of open placements in education.
Find out more about Crossworld
Team Expansion
Team Expansion also has a focus in North Africa. As they look to do church planting among the unreached, North Africa offers some huge opportunities.
Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached. Our desire is to see every person, tribe and tongue reached with the gospel of Christ. We’re working toward that goal through evangelism, church planting, and disciple making movement strategies in strategic ways through your skillset and passions.
Find out more about Team Expansion
SIM is a catalyst for global mission with more than 4,000 workers from 65 different nations, serving in over 70 countries worldwide. Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, we are dedicated to making disciples of Jesus in communities where He is least known.
SIM has a heart to reach the unreached in North Africa. They have a number of teams in North Africa that are doing business as mission.
If you want a mission organization that has been around for over 100 years, Avant Ministries has “focused on planting and developing churches in the unreached areas of the world since the 1890’s.”
According to their website, “During the latter part of the 20th century and early 21st, we have celebrated new fields, new believers and new churches across Europe. Today Avant has ministry in a dozen European nations.”
Avant is carries out their church planting efforts through camps, education, media and more
According to Beyond, “We work to launch “Book of Acts” kind of movements where the disciples we mentor reproduce disciples who reproduce, etc. We help equip thousands of disciples in tens of thousands of churches who meet millions of needs in their own society and beyond. “
Beyond is looking to see more disciples made and churches planted in North Africa.
ABWE International
ABWE strives to engage Christ in bold, biblical, relational evangelism and plant thriving churches. But we don’t just want to send missionaries. We want to spark global missions movements that extend beyond ourselves!
ABWE offers some opportunities in the areas of education in North Africa. If you are teacher and want to be involved, please contact us.
You can find a great article on their website called The Seed Amidst the Thorns which addresses some of the challenges of Church Planting in North Africa
Find out more about ABWE International
World Team
Another mission agency that has work in North Africa is World Team
World Team’s mission is to glorify God by working together to establish reproducing churches focusing on unreached people groups. We do this through innovative teams multiplying disciples and communities of believers, bringing the gospel within reach of lost people everywhere we go.
Find out more about World Team
Serge is a missions sending agency that serves in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. We believe the motive and power for mission is the gospel of grace at work in believers.
Serge offers some options for those looking to serve in North Africa. They have a strong focus on business for transformation in North Africa.
Is God calling you to the unreached of North Africa?
If this is your heart, please take the next step and complete our mission application. We can then connect you with these mission agencies who work among the unreached in North Africa. Because of security, many mission agencies do not put the exact countries that they work in…so you will need to ask.
Don’t wait! “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”