If God is calling you to serve among the unreached in Oceania, then you will want to consider one of these four mission agencies church planting among the unreached of Oceania.
Unreached of Oceania – Who are they?
Scattered throughout hard-to-reach areas in Australia and the surrounding islands, the unreached of Oceania are people groups who are less than 2% evangelical Christian, and thus cannot sustain their own church and reach out to those around them.
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According to Worldometer, Oceania consists of 14 countries, the three largest of which are Australia, Papua New Guinea, and New Zealand.
The following Mission agencies are organizations that are not daunted by the fact that these peoples require intentionality to be impacted, working among them despite the difficulties.
Four Mission Agencies to Consider
Although there is a large number of mission agencies working in Oceania, we have compiled a list of four well-known agencies that we partner with The Mission App. This list is not in any particular order but each of these agencies does excellent work.
According to their website, “GlobalGrace is an evangelical, non-denominational mission agency that assist the Body of Christ in answering God’s call to cross-cultural missionary service.”
If you are a younger, more inexperienced person wanting to impact the world through missions, you will be happy to know that GlobalGrace places an importance on flexibility, willing to work with a variety of backgrounds, ages, and level of training.
Find out more about GlobalGrace
Action International Ministries
If you feel a specific calling towards the economically challenged, this interdenominational mission organization primarily reaches out to the poor, “ministering the Gospel in word and deed.” – ACTION website
Having begun in 1961 in the Philippines, ACTION has deep roots in Oceania, where it expanded from 11 members in one country to 250+ throughout the world.
Find out more about Action International Ministries
According to their website, SIM is “convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news… believ[ing] He has called us to make Jesus known in all places and among all peoples.
SIM has specific opportunities open in Oceania for both equipping for missions and youth and student ministries.
Fellowship International Mission
“Many missionary agencies operate in a specific country or region, or to a specific people group. FIM is slightly different. We serve missionaries where God has called them in a variety of places and ministry settings. FIM started in this manner and we follow that same service mindset today.” – FIM website
Even if you feel called to a place that Fellowship International Mission does not currently operate, they are open to work with each specific missionary based on God’s call on your life.
Find out more about Fellowship International Mission
Is God calling you to the unreached of Oceania?
If this is your heart, please take the next step & fill out our mission application. We can then connect you with these mission agencies who work among the unreached in Oceania.
Don’t wait! “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”