Do you feel called to serve among the unreached in Sub-Saharan Africa? Here are six mission agencies that are church planting among the unreached of Sub-Saharan Africa that you will want to consider.
Unreached of Sub-Saharan Africa – Who are they?
According to the Joshua Project, “An unreached or least-reached people is a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize this people group without outside assistance.”
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Sub-Saharan Africa is made up of a large number of countries; Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote D’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Because it covers the majority of the African continent, Sub-Saharan Africa describes a large and diverse range of contexts which cover a wide spectrum of views towards Christian missions.
From countries where it is illegal to convert to Christianity or evangelise, to those where Christianity is the majority religion, there are many different agencies and unreached contexts.
Six Mission Agencies to Consider
There are many different mission agencies that work among the unreached of Sub-Saharan Africa. We have compiled a list of six well-known agencies that we partner with at The Mission App. This list is not in any particular order but each of these agencies does excellent work. Using the Agency Finder Tool you can find many more missions focused on Sub-Saharan Africa.
“TEAM, The Evangelical Alliance Mission, began in 1890 as one man’s dream to send 100 missionaries to China. Today, it’s a global mission agency that partners with local churches to send missionaries and plant reproducing churches around the world.”
They serve through church planting, community development, healthcare, social justice, business as mission and more.
They have placements in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Chad, and Southern Africa.
ABWE International
“ABWE strives to engage Christ in bold, biblical, relational evangelism and plant thriving churches. But we don’t just want to send missionaries. We want to spark global missions movements that extend beyond ourselves!”
According to their website, “we believe that with creative approaches, dedicated workers, and endless persistence, we are seeing the significant impact of the gospel.”
They have over 20 different ministries in Sub-Saharan Africa such as: AIDS relief ministries, Business Development, Evangelism and Discipleship, Muslim ministries, and many more.
Find out more about ABWE International
Africa Inland Mission
“Our desire is to see the worship of Jesus Christ spread across the continent of Africa – through individual lives fully committed to him, and collectively through Christ-centred church communities.”
According to their website, there are “over 300 million people who have little opportunity to hear the gospel, and even less to be discipled as a follower of Jesus. It is for these we labour.”
AIM offers opportunities for Short-term and Full-term ministry, Two-year outreach teams among Africa’s least reached peoples, and prayer and financial partnerships.
You can visit to see the work God is already doing.
According to their website, in ministry to the unreached of Africa, “due to large pockets of remote people groups… East-West comes alongside nationals who are taking the message of the gospel throughout their land, helping them provide necessary humanitarian aid and integral training in evangelism and church planting.”
East-West offers short-term and mid-term teams, long-term opportunities, internships, and careers in ministry.
“We follow our Lord Jesus Christ by engaging with the needs of this world – physical, relational, and spiritual. Our teachers use their skills and contexts to bring Christ’s light and healing to all – children, adults, leaders, and mission workers alike.
TeachBeyond recruits and sends Christian educators, administrators, and workers to serve in many different schools and organizations across the globe.”
They currently have over 80 positions available in Africa.
Find out more about TeachBeyond
One Collective
“One Collective is a global non-profit that works in communities around the world and is passionate about making sure no one is invisible and everyone has access to food, freedom, and forgiveness. Following Jesus – we bring people together to help the oppressed in order that lives and communities can be transformed.”
Watch their video on Creating Lasting Change to see how they are serving in South Africa.
Find out more about One Collective
Is God calling you to the unreached of Sub-Saharan Africa?
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Don’t wait! “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”