Beyond | The Mission App


Brief Overview

We don’t do the traditional or normal.  We are looking for the innovative, high initiative people who want to be very non-traditional and very fruitful … people who want to be used of God to catalyze whole movements of reproducing disciples.  We are looking for people who are willing to risk but with the help of a mentor and small teams.  We want people who help launch movements among peoples who have almost no access to the Good News of the Kingdom.  We work to launch “Book of Acts” kind of movements where the disciples we mentor reproduce disciples who reproduce, etc.  We help equip thousands of disciples in tens of thousands of churches who meet millions of needs in their own society and beyond.  In the last 7 years, we have helped raise up 610,000 baptized disciples in 77,000+ churches.

Religions of Focus
Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Atheism
Regions We Work In:
Eastern Europe
North Africa
Middle East
East Asia
South East Asia
Western Asia
Southern Asia
Our Ministries Include:
Church Planting
Evangelism & Discipleship
Leadership Development
Restricted Access & 10/40 Window
Sports & Community Outreach
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