Start finding mission agencies
One Challenge is an interdenominational, missionary-sending agency with US headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO. The driving passion of our ministry is to see the local body of Christ healthy, growing, multiplying and sending cross-cultural workers. Our strategy is to come alongside leaders and other Christ-followers to help them accomplish their vision. Our people are involved in leadership training, training church planters, partnering and networking, education, business 4 transformation, relief and mercy ministry, member health, sports ministry, missionary mobilization, and research.
MissionGO encourages and serves missionaries who are called by the Holy Spirit to serve the Lord as He leads them. We often say, “Fulfill Your Calling Under Our Umbrella.” Although there are specific openings that need to be filled in many areas around the world, we are always open to the possibility of finding you a place where your particular calling can be answered and best used.
Our mission is to engage all cultures by making God’s Word real through collaboration in outreach, discipleship, and mobilization. We do so by:
- Glorifying God
- Making disciples of all nations
- Serving His missionaries and their ministries relevant to all cultures
- Serving the church
- Conducting ourselves as the household of God
- Serving as ministry catalysts
New International leads a fresh approach to global outreach. We see God’s work in our ever changing world and seek to join with God in His mission of restoration and redemption, as evidenced by people of all nations worshiping Him, experiencing continuous life transformation, fulfilling their God-given purpose, and fostering the emergence of Jesus-following communities. This all starts with the defining question, “What is God call you to do?”
GlobalGrace traces its roots back to the 1930s when Andrew and Jennie Mitchel responded to a vision for foreign mission evangelism by forming a couples Sunday School class at their Los Angeles church. Calling themselves the “Go-Ye Bible Class” (Matt. 28:19), they pledged $50 a month, wrote letters of encouragement and met weekly to pray for each missionary by name. Today Global Grace has missionaries in over 40 counties and continues to grow.
ZEMA is sharing the Gospel with the amaZioni, a syncretistic people group in Southern Africa. ZEMA evangelizes and disciples amaZioni church leaders through personal relationships as well is formal and informal training. ZEMA’s ministries include 90+ satellite Bible schools, university ministries, also, family, women, and children’s discipleship ministries. ZEMA also has two ZEMA run facilities which function for the purpose of amaZioni ministry and are available for community and local outreach.
World Team’s mission is to glorify God by working together to establish reproducing churches focusing on unreached people groups. We do this through innovative teams multiplying disciples and communities of believers, bringing the gospel within reach of lost people everywhere we go. Our teams use diverse, God-given skills to share the love of Christ and disciple new believers, preparing them to inspire gospel movements among their friends and neighbors.
We don’t do the traditional or normal. We are looking for the innovative, high initiative people who want to be very non-traditional and very fruitful … people who want to be used of God to catalyze whole movements of reproducing disciples. We are looking for people who are willing to risk but with the help of a mentor and small teams. We want people who help launch movements among peoples who have almost no access to the Good News of the Kingdom. We work to launch “Book of Acts” kind of movements where the disciples we mentor reproduce disciples who reproduce, etc. We help equip thousands of disciples in tens of thousands of churches who meet millions of needs in their own society and beyond. In the last 7 years, we have helped raise up 610,000 baptized disciples in 77,000+ churches.
CMF International creates dynamic Christ-centered communities that transform the world. We believe that sending people from everywhere to everywhere with the good news of Christ is the best way to establish these communities. To do this, we plant churches that plant churches, we engage the marketplace, we welcome university students into community, and we empower those in poverty. Serve with us in God’s global mission to transform the world!
Crossworld is a formative community of disciple-makers from all professions bringing God’s love to life in the world’s least-reached marketplaces. Our story begins in 1931 when Crossworld began sending workers to the nations. Today, we have more than 300 disciple-makers in more than 35 countries around the globe.
SIM is a catalyst for global mission with more than 4,000 workers from 65 different nations, serving in over 70 countries worldwide. Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, we are dedicated to making disciples of Jesus in communities where He is least known. We do this by responding to need, proclaiming the gospel, and equipping the Church across six continents. If God is leading you to engage in His global mission by crossing barriers and bringing good news to hard places, we’ll be with you—through prayer and care—every step of the way.
WIM is an interdenominational organization with a Kingdom focus that desires to see the good news of Jesus shared globally. Whether serving as an intern or career missionary, we train candidates to help them discover their calling and set them on the right path for long-term success.
Building on our heritage of over 110 years of church-planting experience, Christar cultivates Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He is yet to be worshiped. We seek to glorify God by establishing reproducing fellowships of believers among the least-reached: those who have little or no access to a church that presents the gospel in their language or worships in a way that’s relevant in their culture.
SEND International partners with churches to send missionaries from many nations to make disciples among the unreached throughout Asia, Eurasia, Europe, and North America. Our mission is to mobilize God’s people and engage the unreached in order to establish reproducing churches.
Extreme Response International is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, Christian humanitarian organization that disrupts the cycle of generational poverty by operating programs centered on Education Reinforcement, Life Skills and Livelihood Training, and Leadership Development. Each year, Extreme Response International serves more than 8,000 children, women, and community leaders in Ecuador, South Africa, and the Philippines.
We are an evangelical missions organization dedicated to transforming lives for Christ by multiplying disciples, churches, leaders, and missionary movements. We’re passionate about seeing the Great Commission fulfilled, and we’re looking for teammates who want to use their gifts and abilities for Kingdom impact.
Established in 1895, Africa Inland Mission (AIM) exists to see Christ-centered churches among all of Africa’s peoples, both on the African continent and among diaspora living across the globe. Our work includes Outreach Teams among Africa’s unreached, equipping ministries like Theological Education, and a broad range of ministries that support these efforts. (MK education, Aviation, Administration, Finance, IT support, etc.)
We’re a group that is passionate about partnering with national leaders as we plant churches in the most unreached places. We are laser focused on the gospel as our primary approach to ministry and believe that trust based, familial relationships lead to joyful and fruitful work.
Serge is a missions sending agency that serves in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas. We believe the motive and power for mission is the gospel of grace at work in believers. Our vision is movements of grace reaching all people, renewing all believers, and restoring all things for the world’s good and God’s glory. Our core values are centrality of the Gospel, ministry from weakness, prayer for the Kingdom, and love for people.
We are an inter-denominational non-profit Christian mission movement with a vision to reach every least and unreached communities with the Gospel that they may know Christ, Live for Him and make Him known. We do this in two ways, through evangelism for discipleship and through social compassion (Community Care). Our core mission focuses are Church planting, children, community transformation, counseling, reaching Rastas, and lastly reaching least and unreached Pastors.