Missionary Profile Test Step 1 of 5 20% Name* First Last Email* How would you describe your love for people?* I truly love everyone. I love most people. I love some of the people I meet. I have a hard time loving people. How many of your colleagues at work know you are a Christian?* Most of them Some of them A few of them None of them How often are you involved in evangelism in your home town?* I love to share the gospel with everyone I meet. I sometimes share the gospel with the lost. I rarely share the gospel with others. I never share the gospel. Do you have a call to missions?* I have an undeniable call to missions. I feel like I am being called to missions. I am open to being called into missions. Call? I do not have a call to missions. How would you describe yourself as a learner?* I love to learn new things I like to learn in most situations. I learn things that I am required to learn. I don’t like to learn at all. How often do you pray for your lost friends?* Everyday Sometimes – more than once a week Rarely – more than once a month Never How important do you feel it is to learn the local language?* Very important! I will do whatever it takes to learn the language. Important! I will devote a significant amount of time to language learning. Worthwhile! I will give it shot. I don’t think I need to learn a new language Are others encouraging you to pursue a life in missions?* Everyone (Pastor, parents, elders etc…) is encouraging me to a life in missions. Most people are very encouraging. People are encouraging but with some questions / reservations. People are discouraging me from a life of missions. How would you describe yourself in terms of flexibility?* Very flexible! I am flexible in most cases. I am a little bit flexible. I am not flexible at all. How often do you give out scriptures or Christian information to non-believers?* I love to give out scriptures to anyone and everyone. I sometimes give out scriptures. I will give out scriptures only if I am asked. I have never given out any scriptures or information. Do you respect other people and cultures different than yours?* I respect ALL cultures & enjoy the differences. I enjoy most cultures. I tolerate other cultures. I hate other cultures How would you describe your personal quiet time with Jesus?* I spend time EVERYDAY with the Lord. Most days I spend time with the Lord. I inconsistently spend time with the Lord. Quiet time? I never spend time on my on with the Lord. How comfortable are you discipling others?* I am very comfortable discipling others and it is my gift. I like to disciple others but it is not my gift. I disciple others when I have to. I have never discipled anyone. How would you describe your work ethic?* I am a hard worker and love to get things done. I like to work on things that interest me. I’ll work if someone pushes me. I consider myself lazy. Do you live your life full of Integrity & Honesty?* I hate deception and try to live a life full of integrity. I value integrity but sometimes choose slight deception if it helps my cause. I want to be honest but fall back on deception when I think it will help. Lies come easily to help me stay out of trouble. Are you biblically focused in your conversations pointing others to Jesus.* Most of my conversations are Biblically focused and point to Jesus. I desire to be biblically focused in my conversation and sometimes speak of Jesus. Sometimes I will make reference to scripture / God in a round about way. I very rarely bring up the Bible / God in my conversations. Are you committed to a life of missions for the long haul?* My mind and heart are set on obedience to Jesus and declaring Him until I die. I committed to long-term missions but I feel the pull of other distractions and responsibilities. I am willing to give a few years to missions. I’d like to see what missions is like. Are you willing to work with a team?* I realize that working in relationship with other believers is effective and am willing to work together with a team to declare Jesus. I prefer to work with a loosely woven team – I know I need others to sharpen and encourage me. I see the importance of team but prefer to work on my own. Someone checking in on me now and again is fine. No! I am a lone ranger and prefer to work alone. Have you counted the cost of following Jesus wherever He calls?* I will obey Jesus even unto death. I want to be willing to do anything for Jesus but I am afraid that when the moment comes I may shrink back. Security and safety play a huge role in how I live out my call. I am not willing to suffer for Jesus. How would you describe yourself?* I am learning to live a life of humility with the Holy Spirit’s help. Humility is something I am just starting to learn about. My first thought is for things to go my way and for me to be the best BUT I am asking God to change me. Most of my thoughts are about me and my plans How would you describe your emotional health?* I am emotionally stable! I am fairly stable emotionally but have some ups and downs. I struggle emotionally but can cope with professional help. I am emotionally unstable! Are you spiritually mature?* By God’s grace, I am spiritually mature. I have been growing with the Lord for years & know I have a long way to go! I would consider myself fairly mature spiritually. I am growing in my spiritual maturity but still have lots to learn. I am a brand-new Christian! Just a baby in the faith. Do you have a commitment to local church?* I am fully committed and involved in my local church. I go to church regularly but am not really involved. I go to a different church each week. I do not go to church. Are you willing to adapt all areas of your lifestyle for the gospel?* I am willing to adapt any area of my life for the sake of Jesus. I am willing to adapt most areas of my life for Jesus but have a few areas that will be hard to adapt. I will only adapt the areas that are not too difficult. No! I will not adapt anything. Who do you rely on for your strength?* I always try to rely on the Lord to be my strength. I want to rely on the Lord to be my strength but tend to fall into relying on my self. My first response is to rely on myself but am learning more to trust in Jesus. I rely on my self to get things done. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.